Information for Residents

Giggleswick Parish Council is responsible for:

  • Harrison Playing Fields including:

    • Lower and Middle Fellings

    • Children’s Playground

  • War Memorial Plaques on the Memorial Bridge

  • Parish Council owned street lighting

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is responsible for:

  • All planning matters within the National Park

  • Rights of way within the National Park

  • Contact the YDNPA:

North Yorkshire Council is responsible for:

  • All planning matters (except within the National Park)
  • Rate Collection
  • Dog Warden
  • Environmental Health
  • Electoral Register
  • Pest Control
  • Refuse Collection
  • Street Cleaning
  • Litter Clearing
  • Grants to voluntary groups
  • Food & Workplace Health & Safety
  • Housing Applications
  • Contact NYC:
    • Website:
    • Email: use their online form
    • Telephone: 0300 131 2 131
    • North Yorkshire Councillor David Staveley

North Yorkshire Council is also responsible for:

  • Adopted Paths and Highways
  • Cutting Grass Verges
  • Gritting and Snow Clearance
  • Adopted Lighting
  • Primary School
  • Settle College
  • School Transport
  • Trading Standards
  • Social Services
  • Public Transport Blue Badges
  • Cycle Routes
  • Animal Health
  • Signage
  • Gully Cleaning
  • Bus Passes
  • Memorial Bridge
  • Refuse Disposal

  • Contact North Yorkshire County Council:
    • Website:
    • Telephone: 0300 131 2 131 Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm
    • North Yorkshire Councillor David Staveley

How to contact your parish councillor:

  • For an up to date list of parish councillors and contact details please contact the Parish Clerk by email at [email protected]
  • Meetings are remote or in-person in the parish rooms at 7.30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month.
  • There is a dedicated time slot of 15 minutes at the start of every meeting for members of the public to raise matters with the council.

To report any of the following:


  • North Yorkshire Police Traffic Bureau

Anti social behaviour

  • Non emergency dial 101

  • Emergency dial 999

Dog fouling

  • Contact Craven District Council Dog Warden 01756 700600

Street lighting failures

  • Parish Council owned contact Clerk

  • Others contact NYC at 08458727274 or [email protected]

Doctors’ Surgery

  • Telephone: 01729822611

Yorkshire Water Helpline

  • Yorkshire Water Telephone Helpline: 08001242424

Gas safety

  • Telephone: 0800111999

Loss of electricity supply

  • Loss of electricity supply telephone helpline: 08001954141 (or for hearing impaired: 08004589767)